Living a La Vida Wicca - The 'About' Page

About Wicca

Wicca is a religion; and a religion at the core a set of spiritual beliefs and practices shared by a group. Beyond that, a religion is a philosophy, it's a foundation for a world view, it's a way of life.

About Why I Started This Blog

Being Wiccan is not just about holding Esbats, or going to Sabbat circles, or casting spells. Fully experiencing any religion is when you begin to live it. It's when it's part of your everyday mundane tasks, thoughts and actions. It's the underlying principle that guides your decisions, your interactions with others, your plans for the future.

With this blog I hope to inspire anyone who would be or is walking the Wiccan path to do things and think about things in a way that incorporates your spirituality into your every day life, until there is no more mundane, and every moment is a magical experience.

About Me

I am Mackenzie 'Sage' Wright, known in my 

spiritual writings as Sage. 

I am  humbled that you are interested in 

what I have to say, and that you want 

to know more about me. Here I am, in a nutshell:


I am an artist-- a creative soul who revels in making things and 

expressing myself through art. I paint, sculpt, scrapbook, take 

photos, sew, write-- basically, if it's a way to express myself, I'm 

willing to go for it!

I am a freelance writer by trade. My spiritual articles are just the tip of the 

iceberg, actually. I mostly ghostwrite for clients, but I have been published in

many non-religious magazines, websites and books. I offer all of my spiritual

 writings about Wicca, Paganism and Witchcraft for free, though I do make a 

modest fee from them due to selling ad space and sales that come through 

my pages. The more my spiritual writings earn, the more time I am able to 

devote to them.

I have a degree in English Literature and a minor in Education. I have taught 

in both traditional and nontraditional venues. I consider myself both a 

teacher and a student, however, as learning is a major part of life to me. 

In true Wiccan fashion, I am a nature lover. I enjoy being out in nature and 

am endlessly in awe of its beauty and power. I love to garden, particularly

herb gardening in containers on my big screen porch. I love using herbs for 

a multitude of reasons. I like hiking and camping (when I am up to it) and 

can spend hours hypnotized by a burning fire, a setting sun, or buzzing bee.

I am married to my best friend and lover. He is also Pagan and we've been 

together over 20 years, since we met at an Ostara festival in New York City. 

Yes, I'll admit it: I cast a love spell to help me find a compatible mate-- and it 

worked better than expected.   We lived together for a few years, then were 

handfasted in 1999 and I am  delighted that we are still going  strong-- we 

just had a second honeymoon and are still very much in love.

I am a momma bear to my three cubs, who are the lights of my life. My 

daughter and oldest (who I refer to online as 'Wildflower') is Wiccan and in 

her 20's. My two boys ('Gryphon Cub' and 'Baby Bear') are in their teens 

now. The three of them were homeschooled (or are still in the process). I 

also have a furbaby-- Ben -- who is a mostly black, medium-sized mutt. I 

believe Ben is a Pagan dog since he loves to join my solitary rituals.

I am living with sarcoidosis, a rare auto-immune disease. It's basically a 

genetic  condition. My immune system is so aggressive that it will attack the 

healthy  tissue anywhere in my body. This can be dangerous over time 

because it creates scar tissue & causes organ damage. Awareness is

very important to me. This has created a new phase in my life-- I went from 

being very physically active out in the Pagan community to having more of 

an online/social media presence; it was my isolation, due to my disease 

complications that made me more homebound, that encouraged me to

start writing about Wicca, get a Facebook page, start blogging, etc.

 Last, but not least, I am a Wiccan Witch. I have been for about 25 years 

now, longer if you include the year or two I spent learning about them. When 

I first began on this path, there was no internet, but I was lucky enough

to find a local community. I was initiated into an eclectic coven, but at 2nd 

degree became an inactive member due to having to move across country 

with my mate for his job. The tradition still survives, but my particular coven 

branch was disbanded years ago. Still, I follow the same trad in which I

was initiated and trained.  

Now, please, do tell me about you... also feel free to advertise your own personal blog or website in the comments here.

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