Announcing the Wiccan Way Grove

There will be a new Wiccan Way Grove class selected to start in January 2017.

Please keep watch on my website for details:


  1. Hi Elissa, great. Keep this page bookmarked and look for updates (esp. July/August so you can get your application). Or if you send me an email addy I'll keep it on file and automatically mail you one.

  2. I am very I interested in this plz contact me..Blessed Be~

  3. I'll maake sure of it Weeping Willow; thank you.

  4. I'm so interested! :) I want to know everything!!!

  5. Please I would very much like to take your class

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Would like to take your class please

  8. Great, stay tuned... applications will be up in July, in the meantime I'm trying to get out the word and provide more info for those interested.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I would love to take your class. Please send me an application when the time is right.

  11. I will be sure to, 72cmg. Thanks.

  12. I have been searching for so long thank you for this chance

  13. I would love to take this class! I had one post, but I think it didn't post. Fate has lead me to this site today. I would be very honored to be under your guidance! Blessed be! )O(

  14. i am extremely interested in taking the class!!

  15. Hello Sage,
    Very interested in your class. I've been reading your blogs and i think you have a unique view of Wicca (practical) that doesnt divide the craft into light/dark. Has always been my problem. Wicca is gray to me. Your blogs explain it so well. I have the time to devote as many years as necessary to study and learn. It's my path. I look forward to your applications and will keep up with that. Thanks so much for teaching this class. Looking forward to it.
    Thank you, Jeneva

  16. I am very interested in joining your class

  17. I am also interested. :-) This looks like a well thought out teaching of Wicca, without breaking the bank. Thank you.

  18. I'm really glad to hear of the interest. This was pre-internet, and am working on the application right now which will be going up next month, so stay tuned.

  19. I'm very interested in taking your course because I stumbled upon it during my research and I thought that it would be a great opportunity to learn someone else's teaditions and give me a more solid base for me to grow from. Even if I'm not selected for taking your course I would appreciate if we could keep so form of correspondence so I could have some form of guidence from someone experienced and knowledgeable on the subject.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I am extremely interested in joining this course on the craft. I am new to this lifestyle and while I've known for a long time that this is who I am, it's not been easy for me to sort through all the information available to me and know where to start. I look forward to hopefully working with like minded people who have just as much to learn as I do and form the foundation for a lifelong commitment to Wicca. My email address is

  22. I am extremely interested, have been for years. I have read a few books in the past ( mostly from the library) but with my work schedule, and recently helping to raise my nephews I haven't had the time to continue my "self learning". Since I have started reading your hub I feel this is what I am supposed to do. I feel it in my soul.

  23. I too, am interested. I am a 55 year old female and raised Catholic, but I have been calling myself a Witch for a few years. A Wicca 101 class is perfect. I like the way you write. I need your type of approach to learn. All the information can be so overwhelming. Everything you said about your start, sounds like me and I am sure countless others.
    Like one of your other readers, I feel like I am an Empath. I need to learn how to meditate and ground myself for protection. When I read her comment , it was so like me in every way. I thought I had bipolar drpression and anxiety which caused me to stay home. Not only home but in my bedroom. I am desperately trying to change. I even applied for a job and was actually hired. Right now I am at that "high" place which enables me to act "normally" . I think with your classes I can continue to channel my energies towards the positive. Thank you in advance , either way. Now back to your blog! lol

  24. Thea Sabin, Wicca for beginners has arrived. Combined with Wicca by Scott Cunningham, this is my new nightly reading material. Cannot wait for the chat next weekend!

    1. Awesome, you're ahead of the game! Looking forward to chatting with you.


  25. Hahaha... Much reading ahead but I'm overly serious about my path :) I'll do all I can. If you can recommend anymore reading I will grab it with both hands.

  26. Please do keep in touch and send me an application at
    This looks amazing <3

  27. Hello Sage. I'm sure you remember me from Y!A lol. I may be semi-knowledgeable in Wicca, but I'd like receive an application for attendance. I'd like to experience a much better education on the religion from someone formally trained, as I may change my position on Wicca (I'd been toying with changing back for a while). I've also recommended this course to a relative of mine who has shown a genuine interest (and I hope she applies).

    I trust your knowledge and would love to take your course if it's possible. Thanks.

    1. Maii, so good to see you! Absolutely, I'll send you the link. ~Sage

    2. Thank you very, very much :)

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I am very interested in being a part of your class. Can you email an application to when the time comes? Thank you.

    1. You will get it when it comes out Mary, thanks!

  30. I would so love to be a part of this class! could you please send me an application when they are available to

    Thank you

  31. Hi I would very much like to take this class. Can you please send me an application to

  32. Hi I would very much like to take this class. Can you please send me an application to

  33. Hello my name is Kymber Sage, I'm not super sure how to make my name pop up or anything!! But I am super super interested! If you could send an application to that would be awesome!!

  34. Sage I think you are awesome. I would be so grateful to have you guide and teach me. I need you and your knowledge. What you are doing with sharing the Wiccan religion. This is the true way. So many do not teach unless they make money. Thank you.

  35. I'm sad that I found you too late to apply for the year and a day. I look forward to applying next year. Blessed be.

  36. I'm sad that I found you too late to apply for the year and a day. I look forward to applying next year. Blessed be.

  37. I agree with Mary, I feel sad that I also missed the deadline, but I am looking forward to joining next year !

  38. I am sorry for those who missed the inaugural class... I will probably have a new application up by August if I am able to teach again, and I'm hoping I will be but we'll see what life throws at us.

  39. Hiya merry meet I'd love to be able to take part in this wonderful course

  40. Can you send me a application please I'd love to take part in ur courses

  41. Please I am ready to join can you help out?
