The High
Priest and Priestess of my coven required us to take classes before we
discussed with them the possibility of joining. The class was free and ongoing,
and would give those interested enough information on Wicca to make a truly
informed decision— and it helped to weed out those who’s interest would wane.
There were
almost 20 of us and my High Priest and Priestess really stumped everyone from
the first class. They asked about what people did to nurture the mind. A lot of
people were able to raise hands and talk about their studies. They asked what
people did to nurture the spirit. Again, a lot of people were able to raise
hands and talk about their meditations, rituals and such. And finally, they
asked people what they did to nurture their bodies.
Most people
didn’t raise their hands. In the crowd there were only a couple of people who
were fitness conscious—a jogger, a weight lifter. Even they were a bit
perplexed—what does this have to do with
Wicca? Aside from my High Priest and Priestess, only two people ‘got it’—one
vegetarian heavily into yoga, and another a karate teacher.
The fact is,
mind-body-spirit is a kind of trinity. We need to focus on balancing the three.
The smartest person in the world who has read all of the books and knows them
inside-out is not balanced if you never get out of your reading chair. Likewise,
you can meditate for hours on end, pray every day and hold rituals every night—you’re
not balanced if in-between devotionals you fill your body with junk.
It’s not
about being skinny, or attractive; it’s not about self-denial or deprivation.
It’s about finding balance—finding a health balance for your body, and finding
a balance between the mind/body/spirit connection.
Let me tell
you, as someone who didn’t even have a kitchen, who survived on Doritos, Pepsi,
chocolate bars and fast food, and who never bothered to exercise because I was
so busy, I had a real ‘aha’ moment.
My Tip for
You Today:
Begin connecting to your body again if you’ve been neglecting it.
I’m not
saying you need to rush out and join a gym or empty out the pantry and fill it
with organic vegan foods; but you can start by taking a daily stretch. Stretch
slowly, from head to toe, feel each muscle in turn. Put your awareness and
energy into each muscle—what’s going on with them? Are they tense? Weak? How
does stretching make them feel?
Don’t hurt
yourself of course—remember, pain is your body’s way of saying ‘stop’. But do
get into a routine of stretching daily, or a couple of times per day, and see
the difference it makes in the way you feel.
When is the
last time you took a good stretch?