Energy can
cling. This is why when I learned Witchcraft I was taught to use rough cut
stones and avoid smooth, polished tumbled stones. The rough surfaces are better
for clinging to energy.
With this in
mind, can you imagine how much energy can cling to dirt, dust, bumpy walls, popcorn
ceilings, carpets, drapes and other surfaces? Here’s a good rule of thumb: if
dust will stick to it, or static will stick to it, then energy sticks to it.
energy building up in our homes is akin to the proverbial frog in a pot of cold
water. See, if you put the frog in hot water it’d realize right away the change
in temperature and hop out. But if you put it in cool water and slowly heat the
water, the poor frog would sit there and be simmered to death because he wouldn’t
even notice the temperature gradually rising. Sometimes you don’t even realize
how badly negative energy can build up until you clear it away.
My Tip for
You Today:
Purify your space to get rid of negative energy. Wipe things down
with a salt-water solution—wipe the walls with it if you like. Sprinkle salt on
the rugs and vacuum. Take the curtains down or gather up the fabrics and wash
them with a ¼ cup of salt in the rinse water. Vacuum the upholstery and spray
it with a salt water solution.
great way to break up and rid yourself of negative energy in a room is to fume
it with thick incense smoke of sage, sandalwood or some other cleansing incense
(please be sure to open windows).
Once your
place is purified you may find yourself breathing and sleeping a lot easier,
and the overall mood lifted.
Tell me— have
you ever allowed negative energy build up around you? What effect did it have?