Friday, May 1, 2015

Tips for Living Wicca: Go with the Flow

So Beltane didn't turn out the way I expected. Usually the family gets together, we have company, get the BBQ going, splash around in the pool, hold a big feast & ritual, etc. 

Well, my husband had to work, and my daughter had to work too so she couldn't come over (they both work the night shift). My daughter's girlfriend didn't bother making the drive alone since my daughter wouldn't be here. My teen son (the atheist) got an opportunity to do some video game party thing, so he went. My friend got sick, and her family stayed home. My other son figured since no one was here he would go visit his grandmother for the weekend.

So, I put aside the ritual I'd planned. Instead of going swimming, I went for a little walk. I came home and set up for a solitary ritual.

Well, I wasn't entirely solitary. There was one other participant.

This is Ben. He likes to do rituals with me. He walks around the circle with me to call the quarters, sits respectfully while I do the invocations and devotions, lays down to meditate with me, then (his favorite part) partakes of the cakes & ale (or in his case, a piece of crescent roll). 

So anyway... it turned out to be an AMAZING ritual... I went into a trance, had some revelations, and was visited by my father (who died 18 years ago; so it's always a special occasion when daddy drops by). It was really beautiful, the ritual moved me to tears.

Instead of firing up the BBQ for one, I sat down for a simpler feast:

Gotta love hummus. The asparagus wasn't on sale so it was a bit of a splurge at $4.99 for a bunch-- I NEVER spend that much on asparagus! But, it was a special occasion and it's my favorite veggie. If I couldn't have BBQ, then I was at least going to have asparagus.

Ben and I then curled up on the sofa with a cup of tea and watched The Wicker Man. Well it is about Pagans, after all. At least it's a Beltane movie, right? 

So that was my Beltane.

My Tip for You Today: When things don't go the way you want, or expect, go with the flow. 

Sometimes things don't work out the way we planned... so just look at the big picture. In the grand scheme of things, it's not that big a deal. Even if you're a little disappointed (as I was-- I mean, it's Beltane! And instead of some romantic cuddling with my husband tonight, I'm going to have Ben snoring next to me. Seriously, he's a blanket hog)... where was I? 

Oh, yeah-- even if you're a little disappointed at how things turn out, make the most of it and be open to letting things happen. Try something different. You never know, things may work out a lot better than you'd planned. 

My Beltane celebration isn't over though... hubby gets home around 8 AM and we'll have the house to ourselves. Poor Ben will be kicked out of the bedroom. Then I plan to spend some time in the garden and crafting oils in the kitchen. Probably listen to some music, do some meditations. And there's plenty of leftover asparagus. Things are turning out all right after all.

Bright blessings.

How was your Beltane?

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